Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera...
Khususnya buat semua pembaca blog ini yang berada di Johor Bharu dan Singapura. Satu tayangan khas membabitkan 6 buah filem Malaysia arahan Allahyarham Yasmin Ahmad akan ditayangkan di Cathay Cineleisure Orchard Singapore bermula antara 15 hingga 18 Oktober 2009. Program yang bakal menampilkan adik Yasmin, Datin Orked Ahmad sebagai tetamu istimewa mengalu-alukan kedatangan anda semua peminat filem mahupun rakan industri untuk sama-sama memeriahkan acara yang di adakan. Setiap kutipan dari jualan tiket pada malam tersebut akan disumbangkan kepada Ertapis Children's Home.
When: 15-18 October 2009 Where: Cathay Cineleisure Orchard Singapore Duration: 4 days
Special Guest: Ms. Orked Ahmad (Sister of Yasmin Ahmad)
Thursday: 15th October 2009 (Gala Night)
Time/Title: 7.15pm TALENTIME, 35mm. English & Malay Subtitles
Friday: 16th October 2009
Time/Title: 7.15pm MUKHSIN, 35mm with English Subtitles.
Time/Title: 9.45pm MUALLAF, 35mm with English Subtitles.
Saturday: 17th October 2009
Time/Title: 5.15pm GUBRA, 35mm with English Subtitles
Time/Title: 7.45pm SEPET, 35mm with English Subtitles
Sunday: 18th October 2009
Time/Title: 5.30pm RABUN, digital with English Subtitles.
This may be your last chance to watch all of Yasmin's feature films presented on the big screen in a proper quality cinema. The way she has always wanted you to enjoy her films.
Rabun (My failing eyesight), Sepet (Chinese Eyes), Gubra (Anxiety), Mukhsin (Mukhsin is a boy's name), Muallaf (The Convert) & Talentime will be screened once for this tribute.
All proceeds collected from the Yasmin Ahmad Tribute @ Cathay Cineplex Cineleisure Orchard will be donated to Pertapis Children's Home.
In Memory of Yasmin Ahmad (January 7th, 1958 - July 25th, 2009)
When: 15-18 October 2009 Where: Cathay Cineleisure Orchard Singapore Duration: 4 days
Special Guest: Ms. Orked Ahmad (Sister of Yasmin Ahmad)
Thursday: 15th October 2009 (Gala Night)
Time/Title: 7.15pm TALENTIME, 35mm. English & Malay Subtitles
Friday: 16th October 2009
Time/Title: 7.15pm MUKHSIN, 35mm with English Subtitles.
Time/Title: 9.45pm MUALLAF, 35mm with English Subtitles.
Saturday: 17th October 2009
Time/Title: 5.15pm GUBRA, 35mm with English Subtitles
Time/Title: 7.45pm SEPET, 35mm with English Subtitles
Sunday: 18th October 2009
Time/Title: 5.30pm RABUN, digital with English Subtitles.
This may be your last chance to watch all of Yasmin's feature films presented on the big screen in a proper quality cinema. The way she has always wanted you to enjoy her films.
Rabun (My failing eyesight), Sepet (Chinese Eyes), Gubra (Anxiety), Mukhsin (Mukhsin is a boy's name), Muallaf (The Convert) & Talentime will be screened once for this tribute.
All proceeds collected from the Yasmin Ahmad Tribute @ Cathay Cineplex Cineleisure Orchard will be donated to Pertapis Children's Home.
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