'Anniversary', Singapore Gay Short Film, coming soon!!

'wow!! so interested!', kata teman media kepada saya melalui kiriman e-mail, memaklumkan bahawa 'Anniversary', karya Alfian Bin Sa'at yang diarahkan oleh Royston Tan bakal menemui penonton di Singapore tidak lama lagi. Filem yang diterbitkan untuk Action For Aids, ini merupakan sebuah kisah cinta dan persahabatan yang amat menyentuh perasaan. Justeru, nantikan info mengenai tayangan filem ini akan datang!!.


teaser 1

Anniversary Film Synopsis:-

Wai Kit, a 23-year-old undergrad living with Justin, his 27-year-old boyfriend, are about to celebrate their first anniversary together. Justin makes a suggestion as to how to celebrate their first anniversary but was met with a luke warm response from Wai Kit. Following a call from Jimmy, Wai Kit wants to move out of Justin's house, leaving Justin wondering what has gone wrong between them. "Anniversary" is a story of love, of what trust mean and the need to find out the truth. "Anniversary" will touch your heart and remain in your mind long after viewing.

Written by Alfian Sa'at.
Directed by Royston Tan.

p/s: Suka trailer dia.... nice!!

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