Pengarah filem 'Chukang'.. diburu dan diugut!!!

antara adegan menarik dalam chukang

exclusive interview with Chukang Director at Lagenda Cafe, Finas

p/s: Biaselah selagi dunia belum kiamat.. macam-macam perkara akan berlaku pada kita terutama orang yang tak pernah rasa puas dengan apa yang kita buat. Betul tak?.

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1 Ulasan

bluecrystaldude berkata…
Salam singgah bro,

Mak aih. This movie is just like any other movie, it drives on controversy and viewer demand. That being said, I really pitied the director of this short movie. Some short minded people are just can't except the fact that a film is just another way to express one point of view and what is wrong with someone expressing his point of view?

Grown up!